Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Survival of the WORLD 3



The time has come that the time has no end…

As you were the parents of your family,

is anybody or anyone of you wants to kill your own children?

By shaking and destroying your house you built.

And inside of it are your children’s,

who is struggling for their life.

By flooding it and your children will be drowned.

The almighty is not here to do this;

the almighty is here to give you an everlasting life.

The cause of all is that you keep on saying that …

“We brought the world all of CATASTROPHES” and you’re wrong.

You must first now know our almighty,

how he cares for you and now begging for your life…

I miss you all


A word of wisdom must publish to the whole world... Remember i

have no knowledge everything that you have but i have to study it,

So that i could be able to explain the way you have.

The miracle everyone’s waiting is already on all your hands. We can

restore the whole word as the way we restore the computer to its


The whole world now will be deleted day by day (places by places)

and do not wait that even this kind of communication to be deleted me to reveal to you the past, the present and the


Help me stop the exploration of oil from inner earth, that is the main

cause of earthquakes then volcanic eruption and tsunami...then

Hurricanes , over rain, 'over heat' , the same as the engine of your

car when it is over used, the same as your body when it is over



The creator created the universe infinite limits.

Over there is the earth with the sun keep on shinning into it. There is

also the moon that gives light to the earth at night.

Earth created by the creator with land and with oceans .It was

landscaped with beautiful mountains, plateau, fields, trees, plants,

animals, seas, rivers, lakes, and we are all here to enjoy everything

and not to destroy it.

The will of the creator is to have an everlasting life, like a mango tree,

that keep on bearing fruits naturally with seeds to become a tree.

The flesh of the tree may be destroyed but it may live again the life

of mango forever.

So i already came like the mango trees and crucified, destroyed and

died, i have some seeds before and grown...the god, the son..... And

now, THE HOLY SPIRIT. I am your slave to rule and guide you all on

how to think by the will of the creator. Thinking is the same with the

word spirit. We are all created by our almighty god the father by his

THINGKING (spirit).

And until now the creator dwells with us, and keep on researching

on us on how to guide us not to a MIRACLED life but a life that will

be true...every one of us has given a FREEDOM to choose...we have

no prepared DISTINY by god .You are not a remote robot to move to

SELF DISTRUCTION. You are created to have an everlasting life.

............I now already give life for those who have died before by this word......

To all mankind,

I am not here to make you frightened and to be sad, I am here to make you so happy, do not waste your time of your life to this kindof world, Any time now, me or someone of you will disappear, and even this big home…the earth, that the creator created it a billion years on your time counting.Humankind was created for the purpose that earth will have a life, to multiply and to have an everlasting life, you all created ahead of all lives in this world that supposed to take care of everything on it. But all of you used your knowledge to wrong path of thinking. Everybody of you now keep on searching and develop the whole world that you think you’re so good in innovative inventions for our life to be good but your all wrong, because the earth is tumbling down, plants and animals were poisoned and look at yourselves now, everyone now is waiting for your own self destruction.

I will make you remember again that the will of the creator is to have joyful life on this earth and lead you to the everlasting life. How could be now my father will give you this? If your own big home…the earth destroy by humankind by their unlimited talent.

Please, I am now begging for your time to pay attention to the words of truth that all will now start a life to have an everlasting life. Thank you

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